Energy Information at High Speed
High:8427, Medium:5405, Low:3206 Cubic Feet per Minute
Electricity Rate:
28 Watts (excluded lights)
Airflow Efficiency:
304.2 Cubic Feet Per Minute Per Watt
Bronze /vendors/vendorImages bronze.jpg
Russet Chestnut with matching blades
Additional Info:
5 warp-free ABS blades are set to a 16° pitch
Air Flow CFM:
High:8427, Medium:5405, Low:3206
Motor RPM:
High:152, Medium:115, Low:70
Special Features:
20 Watt LED light kit
5 warp-free ABS blades are set to a 16° pitch
6 speed Remote Control included with hand-held transmitter, Light Dimmer, and reverse
DC motor
Lifetime on Motor, 5 years on Light Kit, 1 year on all other parts
Downrod Diameter:
0.75" Outside Diameter, 0.5" Inside Diameter
Reversible Two-Sided Blades: